This was an interesting garden to design, as the front door to the house is halfway into the garden. A long slate pathway leads to an entrance courtyard centred on the front door and with a glorious view of Bray church beyond.
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Project Details
- Location: Bray
- What we did: Design, Construction, Lighting, Planting
- Cost: Circa £60k + VAT (including bespoke shed & screening)
This was an interesting garden to design, as the front door to the house is halfway into the garden. The long slate pathway is flanked by lit, variegated Box Balls. The pathway leads to an entrance courtyard centred on the front door and with a glorious view of Bray church beyond.
Another requirement of this garden was to provide a robust, stylish solution for garden and bike storage. We built a custom shed and bike store, tucked into a corner behind a large Copper Beech tree and some custom built shutter screening. We also used similar screening, painted black, to disguise some ugly pipework on the side of the house.
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