Summer’s almost gone…

Well, summer is almost over – the days are shortening and the mornings and evenings are getting cooler. It’s been an absolutely lovely summer, and hopefully you will have found lots of time enjoy the sunshine and make the most of your garden.
Instead of feeling gloomy about the approaching onset of autumn and winter (we might have an Indian Summer yet!), now is the time to:
Start planning your garden for next summer – you’ve had plenty of time to mull it over with your gin and tonic during the beautiful past few months! Consider pulling in some expert help – contact us if you need some input.
- Think about extending summer colour into the autumn. There are lots of plants to add to your garden with glorious autumn flowers and / or rich autumn leaf colour. And many of them are wonderful for attracting butterflies & bees. See our post on top plants for autumn colour.
- Plant more plants – including spring bulbs – with winter and early spring interest. September, October and early November are ideal months to be doing this. See our post on top plants that look good in winter and early spring.
- Plan bare root planting. Bare root plants (eg trees, hedging, and shrubs like roses & Witch Hazel) become available from the end of October, and are much less expensive than their container grown counterparts.