Patio Photos
As a supplement to our patio design guide, this collection of patio photos showcases a selection of the patios we have designed and built over the years.

A picture speaks a thousand words, and never more so with something as visual as a patio. Take a look through the photos below to gain some inspiration for your own patio design.
Ready to discuss? Contact us to book a free no-obligation consultation.
Sagar Black ‘Sabbia’ After ‘Coral’ Autumn Brown Buff After Coming off their new extension, our client now has a large patio in Buff Brown Sandstone perfect for some garden furniture. The view from the road shows the newly surfaced UV resin driveway in Spring Haze, an attractive and practical solution on this steep slope Antique Yellow We installed a path with an incline leading around the back of the house to the new circular seating area Brown wood effect porcelain tiles have been used as a base for a sunken garden The new black and white tiled path and the black Brazilian tiles transform the front garden. Random shaped paving, cut at the edges to form a circle, gives an effective finish to the patio. After: the new granite patios with steps significantly widened
Do you have any ideas on how to hide my three wheelie bins?! I’d like to lay a patio bu tI have nowhere else for my bins to go other than on the new patio.
Hi Georgia,
Wheelie bins are always a bit of a challenge! We have a blog post lined up which gives some tips on hiding/disguising sheds, trampolines, wheelie bins etc – watch out for that next week.
In the meanwhile, a couple of ideas:
– some sort of trellis structure often works quite well – or alternatively, consider a variety of evergreen plants/shrubs to provide some cover
– there are a lot of wheelie bin screens now available online – some of them truly awful, but there are some good and tasteful ones too
Do remember though, that wheelie bins are tall, and you need top (and front) access to them, so any screen has to be large – especially with the three or even four bins that many councils now provide for different types of rubbish.
Hope that helps – please do get in touch if you need more advice.
The post I mentioned above has now been published, you can find it here: